Travel is not all glitz, glamour, and gloss.

And we understand how RV travel can be lonely and a disappointment of a dream well planned out:

This is the story of a couple with incredible dreams to travel. They have waited for this moment for a long time, perhaps most of their lives. They have saved and scrimped to make travel a reality for them, a reality of their choosing, with incredible destinations to visit and share with others.

The moment has arrived, and is now past, but it is not what they thought. Unexpected things come up, like something breaks, the destination is rather dismal, money is short, a loved one gets sick, or you get sick, or even a mouse was found in the heater (true story of us).

As they scroll through the latest posts in social media, they see couples, individuals, with perfect hair, perfect makeup (for the gals), perfect figures in designer clothes, smiling with shoe polish teeth, on an exotic island, or a ski resort high in the mountains, and yet they struggle to get from one place to the next. How can they attain that perfection, they asks themselves?

Hey, we are John and Lori.

My husband and I started fulltime RV travel in early 2021,

and it has been a roller coaster ride. I honestly believed the hype on social media (especially YouTube) about how wonderful and cheap travel is. Well, I am here to help you to learn the truth. It is not unicorns and rainbows, but it can be a journey that is only meant for you. Whether it is through budgets, faith stories, funny stories (do you like to laugh?), recommendations for awesome destinations, I hope we can gather and have a nice, long chat.

Even though this is mostly about RV travel, travel is travel, and it can be a lonely place, but for us gathering, I hope to ease the loneliness and welcome you to my humble home.

I am a proud mama of 3 young adult children, and yes, empty nest is difficult! I like to hike and drag my husband around, drive my awesome Ford Bronco off-roading (well, my husband drives as I take photos), visit unique places and adjust to this new lifestyle of freedom in traveling, even when we have to work camp to be savvy with our expenses.

But traveling can be a beautiful experience, an experience that only you can make. Travel does enable you to see places that you may have wished to see, like the ones in National Geographic magazines, Fodor books (remember those?). Travel also can wear you down, from trying to plan a place to go, where the money is going to come from to fund your travels, or a bit of homesickness for your loved ones left behind.

Can you relate?

So, why don’t we meet on the patio,

the patio we have under our awning (I even have shade!), bare foot, flip flops, or tennis shoes, jeans or jammies, with a fave drink. What is your favorite drink? Mine is mineral water, although I do have a hankering for Italian soda (coconut flavor with cream and whip cream!), while John favors coffee, especially if it is vanilla latte.

We can share our likes and dislikes about travel, learn and grow from one another, our joys and sorrows, tips and tricks, and a kindred friendship, but mostly to build a community of RV travelers, giving each other high fives for the successes, or a hug when things get rough.

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